Wind Bands
Ensembles & Resources
Concert Band
Term: Yearlong | Level: 1
Concert Band is a beginning-intermediate performing ensemble that studies class C and B music literature. This ensemble builds basic instrumental and ensemble techniques for students who play wind or percussion instruments at the beginning to the intermediate level. Students will study beginning theory and vocabulary used in concert literature. During the learning process, students will discover the historical concepts for various styles of wind music. Students will understand and demonstrate music as a way to create and communicate musical meaning and emotion. They will identify and demonstrate listening skills, analyze group and individual performances using appropriate musical language and pedagogical skills related to their chosen instruments.
Prerequisite/s: No Audition Required
Symphonic Band
Term: Yearlong | Level: 2
Symphonic Band is a intermediate performing ensemble that studies class B and A music literature. This ensemble builds beyond basic instrumental and ensemble techniques for students who play wind or percussion instruments at the intermediate level. Students will study intermediate theory and vocabulary used in concert literature. During the learning process, students will discover the historical concepts for various styles of wind music. Students will understand and demonstrate music as a way to create and communicate musical meaning and emotion. They will identify and demonstrate listening skills, analyze group and individual performances using appropriate musical language and pedagogical skills related to their chosen instruments.
Prerequisite/s: Audition or Teacher Approval Required
Wind Ensemble
Term: Yearlong | Level: 1
Wind Ensemble is an advanced performing ensemble that studies class A and AA music literature. Students will study advanced theory and musical vocabulary used in preparation and performance of concert literature. During the learning process, students will discover the historical concepts for various styles of wind music. Students will understand and demonstrate music as a way to create and communicate musical meaning and emotion, identify and demonstrate listening skills, analyze group and individual performances using appropriate musical language and pedagogical skills related to their chosen instruments. Students will develop fundamental artistic and aesthetic understanding by writing critiques of live music concerts. Communication and interpretation skills will be used.
Prerequisite/s: Audition or Teacher Approval Required
2022 IUSD Wind Ensemble Festival
Major and Minor Scales
Major Scales
Minor Scales
Fingering Charts
Audition Info
Interested in trying one of these courses?
Email Mr. Stevens -